
Cedar Valley Community Living believes in providing safe homes for children in our care while building trusting relationships through collaboration with families and community partners to ensure that every child or youth in our care has the support they need to succeed.

Our Commitment:

Cedar Valley Community Living is committed to providing child-focused care homes that are staffed with kind and caring individuals that work as a team to ensure high standards of operation. Our homes are specially tailored to support children and youth with complex needs and work from a trauma-informed approach to ensure that each child is supported in all areas of their life.

Caring for our children is a shared responsibility. Therefore, we encourage all of the important people in the child’s life to join their child’s support network. CVCL’s goal is to keep kids connected to their family as this is an important part of forming a healthy identity.  If the need should arise and whenever possible, CVCL will provide homes for large sibling groups located in or near their home community.

At CVCL, our focus is on creating a family atmosphere that keeps children connected to their family, culture and community.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.


Call Us: 604.719.3389